Established in 2020
Our primary focus is to provide support to the most vulnerable, disadvantaged, excluded and impoverished communities/individuals in the Omaheke Region of Namibia.
The poverty statistics for Namibia are concerning:
– More than 43% of the Namibian population live in multidimensional poverty.
– Rural areas are poorer than urban areas.
– The incidence of multidimensional poverty is higher among female-headed households.
– The youngest children in Namibia are the poorest (1-4 years).
One of the greatest concerns is how poverty has a deep and long-lasting impact on children’s development both physically and emotionally. The Foundation believes that if poverty is not addressed at an early age it pass on from generation to generation. By improving basic living conditions (clean water, sanitation, electricity and safe heating), supporting and educating people about resilient and sustainable food systems, as well as improving access to education, the foundation hopes to greatly improve the quality of life for rural communities within the Omaheke region.
Our Core Objectives are:
– Food security
– Safe and secure water supply
– Self-sustainability
– Sustainable access to electricity in the form of solar panels
– Infrastructure development
– Wildfire prevention
– Identifying and removing invader plant species

Peter-Hain Kazapua
Local Namibian entrepreneur, Peter-Hain Kazapua, grew-up in Grootfontein but has long had close links to the communities in the Omaheke region. In his words, he is a 'son of the soil'. He initially worked for Wilderness Safaris. He was also involved at the NACOBTA (Namibia Community Based Tourism Association), where he earned valuable insight into managing community-based tourism projects. After setting up his own business, Uakii Wilderness Safaris, he began working closely with the local communities in the Omaheke region. Exposure to the daily challenges of rural communities lead to the establishment of the Peter-Hain Kazapua Charity Foundation.
Peter-Hain explains his vision for the foundation: